Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pregnancy Week 12

The beginning of the twelth week of pregnancy marks the beginning to the end of the first trimester. There are a host of changes that have happened in your life during the last 12 weeks, so take some time to fill out the change guide appended at the end of this week's developments.
The Baby In Week 12

Your baby is a little more developed than the last week. He might just achieve the 2-inch mark while you are 12 weeks pregnant. The eyes and ears are moving closer to occupy their final positions on the face. The child's kidneys are secreting urine into the bladder and the nerve cells are multiplying at an excellent rate. The brain's structure is same as it will be during her/his birth and the reflex movements are also improving. Knowing the sex of the child however is still not possible.
About You

The best news in the 12th week of pregnancy is that the risk of miscarriage has subsided. The other frustrating early pregnancy symptoms like tiredness, morning sickness and nausea plan to leave you alone while you head for the second trimester of pregnancy. You will soon start to feel better and recover from the earlier experienced issues.

The other most noticeable change in the body is the increased uterus size. The uterus in weeks to follow will grow enough to appear just above the pubic bone, out of the pelvis. It further continues to grow into your abdomen. In case of twin pregnancy, the size will be even larger. Don't fret this increased size; the uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy size within few weeks of the delivery. Other changes could include patching on areas of the skin for some expecting mothers. Use sunscreen when outdoors as at this time your skin is quite sensitive to the harmful ultraviolet rays. You might also have to deal with freckles or darkening as the 12th week of pregnancy passes. A burning sensation in the throat, chest and abdomen area could also occur in this week.

To deal with the issue, try eating more frequently. Drink liquids before and after a meal (avoid liquid in take while taking a meal). Stay away from fizzy drinks and spicy food as this will worsen heartburn. You've worked your way towards the end of first trimester of pregnancy and living carefully can certainly take you easily through the remaining two trimesters.
A Journey Through The First Trimester Pregnancy

Before we move to the second trimester pregnancy it is imperative to look into the overall changes that have transpired so far and mark a checklist of essential Do's and Don'ts.
The Key Changes For Mothers

* You have conceived and the body has undergone various hormonal changes.
* Early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, pregnancy back pain, darkening of the areolas, pregnancy constipation, excessive salivation, food cravings, frequent urination, headaches, increased sense of smell, lower abdominal cramps, and tender or swollen breasts that have made life difficult in the initial weeks of pregnancy have almost faded by the 12th week.
* Pregnancy weight initially decreased due to nausea and morning sickness but has now begun to increase as the symptoms have subsided.
* The most critical pregnancy risk of miscarriage has been dealt with by the end of the 12th week.
* The body is releasing necessary hormones like hCG and the natural changes like increased uterus size, development of placenta, etc are all in place.

The Key Changes For The Baby

* The baby is growing rapidly.
* From a mass of cells bundled together, the baby is now a real life growing inside you.
* The child's heartbeat can now be heard.
* Baby's face complete with a tiny chin and nose is now apparent
* The skin however is like a transparent sheet
* It is not possible to find out the child's sex during the first trimester pregnancy.
* The baby now has reflex actions however due the small size these movements cannot really be felt.
* There are reasonable muscular developments

Essential Preparation

Here are a few essentials which expectant mothers must have fulfilled by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

* Diet considerations - eat healthy to stay healthy and give birth to a fit child. Make sure that your food habits include all that is required to meet the complete diet requirements during pregnancy.
* Exercise - regular pregnancy exercise is the secret to easy and safe delivery. The post pregnancy health is also largely affected by the exercise schedule maintained during pregnancy.
* Unhealthy habit forming substances - banning all unhealthy habit forming substances like alcohol, cigarettes or tobacco is a definite requirement during pregnancy. Any casual approach to this mandate can result in harmful, irrevocable consequences to both the mother and the child.
* Maternity leave - the end of the 12th week of pregnancy calls for serious planning of any potential maternity leaves from a job. A balance between personal and professional commitments must be maintained.
* Finances - start saving for tomorrow. Your family is expanding and the effort to give your child a comfortable life must now begin.
* Health care - regular checkups and following your doctor's advice is again a strict pregnancy mandate.
* Informing others - if you still haven't informed other important people around you about the good news and then start preparing your announcement speech.

The baby's room - and if all the mentioned tasks have been successfully accomplished then you can start using your spare time to decorate the little one's paradise.


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